Telemedicine in Chronic Diseases in France: A Review, with a Focus on Projects Dedicated to Heart Failure and Diabetes Mellitus

18 octobre 2017

Andrès E, Talha S, Hajjam M, Jeandidier N, Meyer L, et al. (2017) Telemedicine in Chronic Diseases in France: A Review, with a Focus on Projects Dedicated to Heart Failure and Diabetes Mellitus. J Chronic Dis Manag 2(1): 1010.

Résumé :
Monitoring patients with chronic diseases, e.g. chronic heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or diabetes mellitus, using telemedicine systems is a potential means for optimizing the management of the patients. In the case of chronic heart failure and diabetes mellitus, several projects in France sets out to develop an “intelligent” communicative platform designed for home monitoring of these patients, using non-invasive sensors along with contextual information and patient profiling. These projects aim to assist healthcare professionals by providing automated processing of sensors’ data transmission in order to promptly detect and report signs of cardiac or glycemic decomposition or unsuitable treatment adherence.

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