La plateforme intelligente E-care a fait l’objet de nombreuses publications scientifiques dans le cadre de projets de recherche institutionnels :

Monitoring patients with heart failure by telemedicine systems is a potential means susceptible to optimize the management of these patients and avoid life-threatening emergencies. In this context, we experimented in patients with chronic disorders, especially heat failure, an e-platform E-care dedicated to automated, intelligent detection of situations at risk of heart failure.

Here, we carry out a review of the literature focused on telemedicine projects developed in the field of heart failure. We will particularly detail the remote monitoring project called E-care, dedicated to automated, intelligent detection of situations at risk of heart failure. Prospects for the development of the E-care system in the field of Geriatry will also be discussed.

Monitoring patients with chronic diseases, e.g. chronic heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or diabetes mellitus, using telemedicine systems is a potential means for optimizing the management of the patients. In the case of chronic heart failure and diabetes mellitus, several projects in France sets out to develop an “intelligent” communicative platform designed for home monitoring of these patients, using non-invasive sensors along with contextual information and patient profiling.

En redonnant toute sa place au médecin traitant et à l’infirmière libérale dans la gestion des alertes – et c’est tout l’intérêt de ce télé-suivi fondé sur le recueil des constantes physiologiques par des dispositifs connectés –, ce projet destiné à détecter les signes avant-coureurs d’une décompensation cardiaque a gagné en efficacité, se félicite son concepteur, le Pr Emmanuel Andrès

Chronic diseases are one of the most difficult challenges to the beginning of the twentieth century. Monitoring patients with chronic diseases, especially in chronic heart failure or diabetes mellitus, using telemedicine systems is a potential means for optimizing the management of these patients, even in elderly patients. The e-care project is developing an “intelligent” communicative platform enabling the home monitoring of patients with heart failure, using non-invasive sensors, with additional contextual information and patients’ profile. As a result, this platform will assist health care professionals by providing an automated processing of these sensors’ transmitted data in order to detect and report signs of cardiac decompensation early or wrong adherence to therapy.

La télémédecine est susceptible d’apporter une aide à la prise en charge des patients souffrant d’insuffisance cardiaque et d’éviter des urgences vitales. Dans ce cadre, nous avons expérimenté dans une unité de médecine interne une e-plateforme E-care dédiée à la détection automatisée et intelligente des situations à risque de décompensation cardiaque.

Introduction: Monitoring patients with heart failure by telemedicine systems is a potential means susceptible to optimize the management of these patients and avoid life-threatening emergencies. In this context, we experimented in internal medicine unit an e-platform E-care dedicated to automated, intelligent detection of situations at risk of heart failure. Methods: The E-care platform based on medical sensors (blood pressure, heart rate, O2, weight), communicating (Bluetooth), to go up, in real time, to an intelligent physiological information and an analysis of the ontology medical, leading ultimately to the generation of alerts. After a development phase (proof of concept), the E-care platform has been [...]

26 septembre 2015 Publications scientifiques

Monitoring patients with heart failure by using telemedicine systems is a potential means for optimizing the management of these patients. The E-care project is developing an "intelligent" communicative platform enabling the home monitoring of patients with New York Heart Association (NYHA) Stage III heart failure using non-invasive sensors. As a result, this platform will assist health care professionals by providing an automated processing of these sensors' transmitted data in order to detect and report signs of cardiac decompensation early.

Chronic diseases are one of the most difficult challenges to the beginning of the twentieth century. Monitoring patients with chronic diseases, especially in chronic heart failure or diabetes mellitus, using telemedicine systems is a potential means for optimizing the management of these patients, even in elderly patients. The e-care project is developing an “intelligent” communicative platform enabling the home monitoring of patients with heart failure, using non-invasive sensors, with additional contextual information and patients’ profile.